Planned Giving

Contact us at
or 704-825-4490 ext. 103.

Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the official incorporation name of the Daniel Jonathan Stowe Conservancy. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. The organization is a public resource and is reliant on membership, contributions and other private funding for its operations.

The William L. Steele Legacy Society recognizes the generosity of Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden financial partners who have made plans to support the Garden through a planned gift. The Society is named in honor of William L. Steele, III, a visionary who worked alongside Dan Stowe to provide inspirational leadership for the creation and development of the Garden.

William L. Steele Legacy Society

Planned gifts can be used for immediate capital needs, such as developing a new garden, upgrading existing infrastructure or adding to the Garden endowment which provides long term program support for the ongoing growth and development of the garden. If you would like to designate your gift, please share your plans with the development office to ensure we can honor your wishes.

“Pat and I have been members of the garden for over 20 years and have supported it financially through annual gifts and capital campaigns for the Visitors Center, the Orchid Conservatory, and Lost Hollow, the Kimbrell Children’s Garden. Nurturing and supporting an asset like the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden has given great pleasure to me and I am happy that my financial success can be shared with others for years to come.” -Pat & Bill Williamson

There are many ways to include the Garden in your Planned Giving. A few of the most common methods include:

Bequest: A gift from a will or trust (a stated amount or a percentage)

Retirement assets: Among the most tax-burdened assets in your estate, many donors prefer to use these assets for gifts to charity

Life insurance: Donors can name the garden as a beneficiary of your life insurance by designating a percentage or a fixed dollar amount of a whole life policy

Please consult your tax and legal advisors for more detailed information.

If you have included Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden in your Estate Plans, please let us know so we can honor you throughout the year.

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